"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Real Hero's

I have always enjoyed exploring, seeing new places, going on adventures, and experiencing the changes and new opportunities that life brings. Taking off into the wilderness with nothing but what you have in the backpack you take with you and the friends and family that accompany you, visiting a new place and seeing the many things that make it unique, starting a new portion of life where you have new challenges and many more responsibilities, or learning to deal with an expected or unexpected change.
As we begin these adventures we typically have someone that we are looking up to, someone that is going to help us. This is not always the case; there are times when we are the one who has to stand strong for others, even if we don’t fully know what we are doing.
I refer to these people that help us as our real life heroes. Most often they are older than us, but not always, as we grow older we begin to see the younger generation filled with many strong and influential individuals. They are hardly ever famous, but in the eyes of those they touch they are truly heroes, much greater than any movie star, musician, or sports figure. They don’t seek recognition for what they do, it is done out of a desire to help others and to create a better life for those around them. One definition of the word hero states: “a person of distinguished courage or ability, admired for their brave deeds and noble qualities.” I would add that Heroic qualities may include optimism, humor, honesty, commitment, honor, selflessness, the ability to act, and the desire to help others.
There are heroes all around us and to those they have touched-- they mean everything. It may be a parent, a teacher, a friend, a co-worker, a sibling, a complete stranger you see on the streets, a distant relative, a scout master, an extracurricular coach/instructor, a church leader, or someone in a neat story you hear. Sometimes it is years later before we realize and respect how much these heroes have helped us. I think a prime example of this is our parents or guardians. Are they perfect? No, but they simply want us to reach our greatest potential, but we as ignorant and rebellious youth push away and do what we want. Then, as we grow older and face the challenges of life, or need help with something, who is it we call? I could write and tell you of the many heroes that have influenced my life, but #1 that would take forever, and #2 sadly I know I would miss certain people that deserve to be recognized.
Quite often when thinking of a hero we think of a book, movie, T.V. show, or a video game that has a man or woman that faces mighty challenges and overcomes great opposition, all for the sake of good. These fictional heroes influence us as well, they cause us to want to stand taller and be a better person. It invigorates something within us, a quality we all have, to help and strengthen others. Sadly some of us let this desire fall to our own selfish desires, and sadly we have these selfish desires because we let false heroes influence our lives. We see individuals that seem so cool, but in reality they are selfish and care solely about looking popular to the world.
I am beyond grateful for those heroes that have changed my life, I honor and respect them, and many I consider great friends. They have helped to shape who I have become.

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