"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

For Those We Love part 2

Smoke covered the bloodshot sun, a sure sign of the Goranth. The Gorth may be human, but they are a twisted and savage people. The common folk are controlled by the Cartel, seven leaders bent on the destruction of any village, city, or nation that opposed their reign. Most of the western world lives in fear of the Goranth nation; few men have ever attempted to stand in their way, most of them no longer live. One man has stood for the freedom of the weak since the age of fourteen. Many times death was inevitable, yet whether by luck, fate, or divine intervention he still walks. Now he leads a few good men to what he inwardly knows will be his last stand. Alexander’s life has been spent protecting those who could not defend themselves. He never sought glory or fame, just the wellbeing of his people.
The march was long; by sunset they had reached the barren lands south of their homes. Alexander met with Jeremy and his brothers’ three sons. “We wait here, we have till tomorrow night to prepare.” Alexander said. “But Sir, they are within sight of our scouts, they will arrive before daybreak.” The youngest son stated. “Jaden, this is true, but they will not attack with the sun in the sky, they are a dark people, they think this will be their advantage.” Alexander said. “They think, It will be, Alex will we attempt an ambush?” Asked the youngest son, “No Travis, the Gorth are always on guard we must prepare a counter attack.” Alexander responded. “William I need you to gather anyone who is learned in the arts of chemistry and return to me.” “Yes sir.” William responded. “William, there is no need for titles anymore, I am just your uncle now, not your leader.” “Okay Alex.” William said with a smile. “Before you leave I have a request of you three. This may seem hard to follow, but you must. After this battle there will be no one to lead our people. That is why you three must survive. Never leave each other’s sides. Once the battle is lost you must flee. Stand together and you will survive. I know this sounds like a horrible act, but it must be done. Give us your word, that you will follow this command.” “We do.” Travis said. “No!, Father I will not abandon my friends.” Jaden firmly stated, “By dieing you would abandon your home. Jaden you and your brothers will lead our city in my absence, they will look to you for hope.” Jeremy said firmly. Jaden looked as if he wished to continue the debate, but knew he must follow his command. All three sons stood speechless as they realized their father last statement assumed his own death. “Fine, but if there is any sign of victory, I will stay to fight.” Jaden finally responded. His father looked as if to argue but was cut short by Alexander. “Agreed, William gather your troops, Travis you will assist your father, Jaden follow me.”
Tasks were set, and preparations made. Late that night before any rest was received, Alexander sat alone in the distance reflecting on his life. If a mans nobility were ranked by how much they did for others, Alexander would be King. Even as he faced death, his only thoughts involved the friends and family he left behind. Thinking of his two beautiful little girls and his unborn child. His beautiful wife Sara, soo many more years they could have been together. He would never see his daughters grow and marry, never know whether he was the father of an honorable son, or another beautiful daughter. “If only I could find a way to end this alone, I would.” He thought as he realized how much each of these men are giving up.

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