"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The people in our lives.

“The people and the friends we have lost, the dreams that have faded, never forget them.”
Ever since I was young there have been four people I consider my brothers. The first literally is my brother, the second has been my best friend since before I can remember, the third became my other best friend in fourth grade, and the last is my older brother’s best friend (who is quite literally a part of the family). Each of them has influenced me in different ways, and I have had many great times with all of them. These are four individuals that I am stuck with for the rest of my life and I would have it no other way.
There are other individuals that fit into this “stuck with me forever” category. These are the people that still play a role in my life even if they are half way across the country. A few more examples include my Art History Teacher senior year of High School, or my friend I first met in AP U.S. History, I can talk to her about anything and everything, and the most obvious example (for me) is my family. There are many more people like this and I am grateful for all of them, some from California, and a few I’ve met in Virginia and Salt Lake. There are those I have met recently that have become good friends that I hope and pray become part of my “stuck with me forever” group. I am not the type of individual that strives to make lots and lots of friends, most often I enjoy a small group of close friends compared to a large group of people that I don’t really know. And those close friends I have mean everything to me, I hurt when they hurt, and I am happy when they are happy.
There are also those people you lose along the way, some of them you may even think and hope will be there forever. These people may not be there through the whole story, but there influence can still have a major effect on your story, some for good and others in a negative way. The good we appreciate, the negative we strive to eliminate.
Personally I know God has placed these people in my life for multiple reasons. Some of them are still around after years of putting up with me, some I have met only recently, and some are gone. They stick out from the crowd in a special way. Each of them has taught me life lessons that have helped to shape who I am. Some of these friendships are completely unexpected, the most recent one for example was not planned at all. A classmate I met last semester, her roommate is engaged to a great friend of mine that I met while serving as a Missionary in Virginia. I’m grateful for her and for all the fun times we have had and that we will have. For some crazy reason she thinks she can make tacos better than me??? Haha yeah she is probably right. I truly hope she is part of the “stuck with me forever” group. I see the similarities we have and, at least from my side, I have seen many lessons she has taught me. I truly believe that God placed her in my path. Another is the special lady that I just recently started dating, I met her shortly after moving to Salt Lake, we talked a little bit due to her being friends with my roommate, but over time we have grown our own friendship and relationship. She is a great person that has inspired me and helped me in more ways than she understands.
I would ask that we all remember the people that mean the most to us, many have moved on, and we may only on a rare occasion connect with them if at all, and that is okay it is part of the journey. Each of our stories is unique, and I know mine has been such a grand adventure due to those that have influenced how I write it.

1 comment:

  1. =] I am hope to be a part of the "stuck with me forever" group!
    -the special lady (aka your girlfriend)
