"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Be the Difference our society needs

I realize I am not speaking of everyone, and in some ways this is simply me venting, so even though as I write I say “we” it does not mean I am speaking of you, I say “we” as our society as a whole.
From the majority of my observations over the past year or so this is sadly what I have seen. We, as a people, LOVE to complain and critic our society, or surroundings, if something doesn’t seem right we will gladly start complaining about how stupid other people are and how they should be doing whatever it is in some other way. It is really sad. We speak out of 90% ignorance, we only see how we personally are affected. It is completely selfish. Yes, society is not perfect, but really? The more we complain the more we contribute to the problems. If you have a legitimate desire and want to help fix an issue, DO something about it, complaining only brings negative attitudes and less support to our communities. We love to complain and talk about how Cops are always out to get us, or how they are always doing stupid stuff. Well what if we didn’t have any sort of police force? Yes, they are far from perfect, but no one on earth is perfect. If I am speeding and get pulled over its not the cop being a jerk, I was speeding, it’s called personal accountability, it’s that simple. Now the fact is I have not been impressed with the few times I have had conversations with a member of the police force, and I really wish I had done something about it, even if it was simply putting in a formal complaint about the way I was treated. It’s not that I felt it was unfair because of what had happened, but what upset me was the way they treated me, it was as though I was a four year old completely ignorant kid.
Nearly all of us, in our own ways contribute to the degradation of society. Whether its sticking our chewed gum somewhere other than a trash can, having a party so late into the night (early into the morning) that’s so loud that you cause many of the people living around you to become frustrated with our complete lack of consideration for them, or stealing small candies or other items that cause prices overall to increase. The fact is simply by living life these things tend to happen, sometimes we don’t even realize what we are doing is wrong. The real question is whether we are doing more to contribute and build up our surroundings or break it down. Obviously for the most part there are few people in our societies that are committing awful crimes, but if we all as a whole put more effort into following the system that we do have, things would be much better.
We can complain as much as we want about how pathetic our government is and how much they take advantage of us, but that will not change a single thing without action. I am not sitting in Washington DC and I really don’t follow politics enough to know much, but the fact is we live in a democratic society and whether we want to admit it or not, we, if we worked together, and truly wanted this change, we could see it happen. I can’t say I think paying taxes is the first thing I want to do with my money, but the fact is so many people find pathetic ways to get out of paying taxes and/or take complete advantage of welfare programs. Is it unfair? It certainly is, but I know if I have the attitude of expecting everything to be equal I will only contribute to our failing economy. We complain about a society that is falling apart, yet we gladly look past the ways that we are contributing to its downfall. We desire to live in a world with no personal stewardship or responsibility, essentially living as a small baby having others take care of us.
The fact is there will always be those that take advantage and seem to sail through life without making much effort at all. They are hindering themselves in so many ways they will only understand when it is too late, and sadly they make life harder for those who are striving to live in a way that will strengthen society. Life isn’t fair, but the beautiful thing is those people that strive to constantly contribute to a better society and sometimes sacrifice a personal ideal for the betterment of a society will gain benefits they may not see for years and years, maybe not even in this life, but those benefits will come.
So stand for something greater, be one of the few who really does what is needed to see society prosper. Be personally accountable, and see the inner strength and lessons that you will learn as you do so.

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