"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, February 27, 2011

To be unique.

Well over six billion people walk the face of this earth right now, each of us unique in our own way. We may have similar likes, dislikes, drives, motives, hobbies, and desires as many of the people around us, but that does not change the fact that we are meant to be unique. I feel it is true to say that there are few (if any) individuals in the world that are completely free of living there lives to “fit it.” We practice this idea to different degrees, some people are only slightly affected while other live their lives to be a part of the “in crowd.” We try so hard to fit this model of what society has made for us or what we see the “cool kids” doing that we lose those precious things that make us who we truly are. This may be our standards, our real friends, our dreams, our style of clothing, or many other things. We begin to let others rule and reign over our choices. I remember in High School seeing a poster, I do not remember what it said word for word, but it stated,
-Twenty years from now, no one will remember or even care about the shoes you wore, how many friends you had, or the cool things you did. What they will remember is the type of person you were and they will see what you have become.-
I would add to that the people that only see what you were in High School are the people that have completely missed the point of life.
 “The man who trims himself to suit everybody will soon whittle himself away.” –Charles Schwab
I am not trying to say we shouldn’t try to look nice or keep up with the latest technology. I wear a suit to work every day because that is what’s professional and it is expected of me. I am not going to quit my job just because I REALLY don’t like wearing suits. Being yourself does not mean that you have to rebel against society just to prove you are “different”, that is just as bad as losing yourself to fit in with everything society tells you is important.
If you enjoy something that doesn’t seem to fit what the people around you think is cool, it is okay. If they give you a hard time about enjoying it, those probably are not the people I would consider real friends. If you feel like something is wrong and the people you are trying to impress think it’s the cool thing to do, once again these are not the people you need to worry about.
“Don’t let the voice of critics paralyze you.”

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